Baby Stuff

I’ve been doing nothing but knitting and crocheting baby stuff here lately.  I have a new niece due to arrive in June, and have so far made her two lovely blankets (my first lace project) and two cute little hats (my 2nd lace project).  Thing is my SIL reads my blog when I get around to posting.  I want her to be surprised when she opens her gifts so I can’t share photos.

What I can share photos of is the two tiny baby hats I made this weekend for my husband’s boss and his wife.  They just had a baby girl.

Then in about a week I can start sharing photos of all the cute things I’ll be making for my own baby.  Oh yes, we just found out that I am pregnant with baby #3.  A huge Surprise to us.  HUGE!!!!  More about that in a bit.

Ribbons Hat
Simple Baby Hat

Itty Bitty Baby Hats is one of my most used books.  And these two hats are my favorite patterns.   The pink Hat is the Ribbons hat only I only do one eyelet row.  The yellow hat is just the Simple Baby Hat.  Both of these were knit on size 7 needles in Knit Picks Shine Sport.  I love this yarn for baby things.  It’s so soft and silky.

So my baby….  The nurse I saw to confirm my pregnancy thinks I’m due in early September.  However, I really won’t know until I see a doctor in a week or so. 

I was told by two different doctors that I could no longer conceive children.  Heck we haven’t really used birth control since my almost 10 yr old daughter was 2.  No babies during that time.  I thought my system was just being mean and evil to me as it likes to do.  Then came soreness in places that aren’t normally sore.  Again I just blamed my body for hating me.  Sickness in the morning?  I blamed that on taking multi-vitamins because they always make me feel sick.  Constantly having to pee?  Well, I stopped drinking cokes and was drinking more water so I blamed the water. lol

All that time my hubby kept teasing me and saying I was pregnant.  I decided to get him back.  This was just a little over a week ago.  I bought a pregnancy test in the dollar tree (yes they sell them).  Brought it home and took it.  My plan was that it would be negative and then I would show it to the hubby and tell him it was positive.  He would freak out and I would laugh.  Then he would stop teasing me.  Because although I had accepted that our family was done with two kids I always wanted more.  So it was a touchy subject with me.

Obviously I was the one who was in for a shock.  The test was positive.  We cried, we laughed, we cried some more.  I said “Oh my God” about 1,000 times.  It’s been a crazy week.

I can’t say I’m totally excited yet.  This is a HUGE adjustment.  We are having to rearrange everything in the house to try and make room for the baby.  My kids are thrilled though.  I know once I see that everything is going to get done that I will start to get excited.  Right now I’m just trying to get finished with all the stuff I wanted to make my niece before I start working on stuff for the baby.

The baby who today has decided to make me crave Cherries.  The fruit and/or anything cherry flavored.  Not that odd right?  Until you take into account the fact that I hate cherries and cherry flavored anything.  As a child I would throw away cherry flavored candies.  Today… it’s all I can think about.  Why all my children do this to me I don’t understand.  With Caedmon it was Grapefruit, with Kathryn it was McDonalds hamburgers. 

Well, off to make Cherry Jell-o. lol

About caednkat

Wife to Cory since 12-04-99. Homeschool Mom to Caedmon (8) and Kathryn (7). I love to Crochet, Knit, Read, Bake, Watch TV and Movies.
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1 Response to Baby Stuff

  1. Martie says:

    Congratulations! I found your blog by googling Tiramisu blanket and then clicked on archives. I am guessing by now you have delivered your surprise. I have seen no other posts since this one. Did you move your blog? Stop blogging? I love looking at other’s yarn projects and getting ideas about colors and finding new patterns to try. 🙂

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